All Art Q&As

Jada Imani M ~Q&A

Jada Imani M

Age: 21

Hometown: PG County, MD

Twitter/IG: @JadaImaniM


Craft(s): Photography

1. What affect did going to a performing arts middle school have on you?
Attending a performing arts middle school motivated me to pursue a career in acting. I have been told since I was little that I should act and have my own tv show, so that became a dream of mine.
2. Who are some of your favorite actors/actresses? 
Viola Davis is definitely one of my favorite actresses. I also love Issa Rae, she’s a big inspiration to me. Leonardo Decaprio and Samuel L. Jackson are my favorite actors.
3. How do you feel about the 2016 presidential election?
Honestly I was sick to my stomach the whole day after he was elected and it still seems unreal. It’s crazy because he didn’t even win the popular vote and so many people are terrified because of his “plans” that they are protesting day after day. I try to not think about the election much because it still makes me feel sick. I guess the feeling will go away eventually.
4. What separates you from the average photographer?
I think every photographer has their own signature style and mine is creating unrealistic images. I have came across a lot of photographers in the DMV area and I can honestly say my work differs from theirs in various ways. A lot of female photographers capture venture off into film photography, which is cool, but I’m not like that at all. I love digital photography and what I love most is the editing process. Even though I am a digital photographer I find myself being interested in capturing nature, buildings, etc. vs just capturing people all the time. I would rather capture my surroundings.
5. How would you define love?
Love is waking up in the morning knowing that your significant other isn’t going anywhere. Love is a kiss on the forehead, holding hands, and all the corny mushy stuff. Love cannot be forced… it is something that comes natural, or it doesn’t come at all. Love is the key to surviving in a country that doesn’t love me. Basically love is a big cliche, but it’s necessary lol
6. You seem to be obsessed with drastic photograph edits. Why is that?
Creating “drastic” photograph edits is my way of creating my own reality and inviting viewers into that reality. Just imagine if the sky was yellow or pink instead of blue? Art is the closest thing we have to actually seeing something that we can only imagine. The sky will never be yellow or purple, but if viewers broaden their imagination after seeing my work then I know I’ve done my job.
7. What message do you try to communicate with your art?
Ah I guess I said too much in response to the previous question, but overall my message is to create your own reality.
Advice Column All

Mr. 3 Cent$ – Blank Canvas

Quote: “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” – Thich Nhat Hanh


Dear World,

I relate the concept of mindfulness to a painter viewing a blank canvas. With no judgments, you become completely aware of your thoughts and emotions. No past or future thought can interfere with the calm you possess when practicing mindfulness. This doesn’t mean erasing these thoughts, or achieving some state of complete ecstasy. I like to look it as observation without the distraction of trying to process what you’re observing. You acknowledge the pain in your body, the sensation of your hand touching your leg, the thoughts that cross your mind as you let them pass—without trying to change or force anything. We all have the ability to be mindful and of course there are many benefits to this that can help you on your daily journey if this becomes a lifestyle for you, such as helping you to better understand your pain, reduce stress, cut all the bran chatter, and better connect with the people and the environment around you—but enhancing natural ability still requires time and practice. Mindfulness is available to us in every moment but I encourage you to set some time aside whenever possible, daily if you can, to get comfortable, limit distractions, focus on your breathing, and what you’re experiencing; allow yourself to be aware of your mind, body, and soul, with no attempt to chase peace or control an outcome. Just be mindful.


Mr. 3 Cent$


Advice Column All

Mr. 3 Cent$ – Let It Go

Quote: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” – Lao Tzu


Dear World,

What you hold on to is what you become. Holding on to the emotions of yesterday prevents us from feeling new ones tomorrow and, chances are, we begin to bring similar situations into our lives that give us the same emotions we’re harboring. Letting go is a deep process but no matter how many layers unfold in the journey of releasing your negativity, it starts with one decision. You wouldn’t keep your hand balled up with a $20 dollar bill if someone was offering to put $100 in that hand, would you? You have to want better. It is there for you. I encourage you to be open to receiving joy and perceiving a better reality. Make the choice.


Mr. 3 Cent$