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Mr. 3 Cent$ – Just Showing Some Love

Quote: “The day the power of love overrules the love of power. The world will know peace.” – Mahatma Gandhi


Dear World,

We all wonder what the answer to life’s hardest questions are at some point. Answers that highlight concepts that can’t be easily defined; concepts so powerful that only the effect of their power can truly be comprehended. I believe the most powerful of these is love. The energy of love can overcome any other energy in this world when fully embraced and its in our best interest to do so. Chances are, when you do have a question of life that you can’t seem to find an answer to, love is probably it. How amazing it is to find that God is the embodiment of this energy! Love is the energy that vibrates at the highest level possible, and anyone who’s truly experienced it knows the difference. The enhanced creativity and vitality, the giving spirit, and the freedom and peace that comes as a package deal is essential for life to flourish. If you ask different people from all over the world what love is, you’ll likely get a wide range of answers and perspectives but every person is affected by its power, processing the same uplifting energy in their own way; an energy that transcends all religions, cultures, and backgrounds. That’s why I hope you can find inspiration from this project that was taken on by these cool brothers @lamaJ_Ali and @diantedj behind the camera. In a successful attempt to spread love on Valentine’s Day they decided to commit random acts of kindness by handing out flowers to various women who really appreciated the love that was displayed to them. I hope you can find the inspiration from this video and I also hope that when you are faced with a problem in your life or your environment, you remember the key is to #SpreadLove.




Mr. 3 Cent$

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Mr. 3 Cent$ – Free Your Self

Quote: “Even when he is still, the selfish man is busy. Even when he is busy, the selfless man is still.” – Ashtavakra Gita


Dear World,

As ironic as this may seem, selflessness isn’t about others as much as it’s about you. Selflessness is freedom. When you own a selfish mentality, its like using a cellphone that always needs to be on the charger. Most times, it takes experiencing life from both perspectives to really understand this. Selfishness proves to be one of the biggest problems when dealing with issues of communication in personal relationships or even business. When you look to only please yourself not only are you disallowing honest, deep connections with others but you’re missing out on a world of opportunities that can get overlooked when you only look at life through one lens; things such as not seeing folks being helped by your gifts, or not being able to recognize a need in society that can be met with your product or service. It becomes much easier to fixate on your own needs and never reach your full potential. It becomes much easier to slip into cycles of addiction and lack of fulfillment. It becomes much easier to lose wealth or relationships. Why? Because selfishness causes the view of your world to contract when the whole point of development is to expand. Selflessness, I believe, isn’t only about putting yourself last or allowing yourself to be unhappy for other people’s happiness, which is why I think the concept of self-love is so important to promote, many people find themselves in this position at some point in their lives. Loving your self is essential to your growth and to becoming the best you so that you can carry out your purpose in this life and find that fulfillment that we all deserve—selfishness isn’t. Now, of course when it comes to sacrifice and love, everything is situational. A selfless mentality just gives you a different view of each situation, allowing you do what’s best for the greater good. Selflessness, I believe, is the understanding that you’re in every person and every person is in you. When you’re not focused on yourself but in the commonality you share with everything around you, your view changes immensely. This doesn’t mean expecting others to see the same things or giving love only when you receive it. Quite the contrary actually, you won’t even be concerned with receiving anything in return because you’ll know, “When I serve you, I serve me. When I learn about you, I learn about me. When I care about you, I care about me.” Whether you’re interacting with a 7 year old or a 70 year old, of any background, I’d be willing to bet money that you could find at least one similarity connecting you or a piece of inspiration that can resonate with you—if you’re open to it that is—and that my friends, is selflessness. The same way your words flow easier when you’re not self-monitoring is the same way true happiness flows to you when you focus on your self less. I just want to encourage you today, and everyday, to be selfless and give love to others regardless of how others choose to be. Trust me, they’re not the only ones being helped by it.


Mr. 3 Cent$

All Music Q&As

iCon ~ Q&A

Artist Name: iCon
Age: 19
Hometown: Fort Washington, MD 
Soundcloud: @iconprod
Snapchat: @mari_icon
Twitter/Instagram: @iconprod_
Facebook: @iConprod
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Craft(s): Vocals, Production, Piano, Drums, Violin

1. What does the title of your upcoming mixtape “Therapy” mean to you?

Last year was a ‘Therapy’ year for me. I had a lot going on in the writing and production of this tape and I used the music to escape as well as describe the pain I was going through at that time. That’s why it’s called ‘Therapy.’ It was ‘Therapy’ for me

2. What instruments do you play?

I play the piano, drums, and violin

3. How immersed are you in the production process of your music?

I was extremely immersed. The whole tape is produced by me, I played the piano parts, and was there in the studio while my engineer was mixing the project.

4. What app do you use the most?

I probably use twitter the most. It’s the easiest tool to use for me when it comes to connecting and growing my fan-base

5. What do you think our generation’s role in fashion is?

I think each and every generation’s role is to establish the standard of fashion for our time.

6. If you could work with any up and coming artists who would it be?

If I could work with any up and coming artists it would be PnB Rock.